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Unit 3: Populationgeography

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  1. Human Geography Population
  2. Unit 3 Population Geography Definition
  3. Geography Population Vocabulary

Ap human Geography Unit 3: Population. Ap human geography vocab for unit 2. Age distribution. The frequency of different ages or age groups in a given population. It is used to predict future population growth. An example would be that there are more young people living in a ocean side area and showing where the different age. Chapter 2 Key Issue 3 of The Cultural Landscape by James M. Rubenstein as presented by Andrew Patterson. Unit 3 Ecosystems. Occurs when the amount of resources cannot meet people's' needs., The maximum amount of people a region, country, or planet can support., is the number of live births per thousand people in the population., is the number of deaths per thousand people in the population. The Unit title is 'Population and Migration,' but several migration topics are postponed until later – they will be easier to teach after looking at the economic and political conditions that often drive migration. To align better with the new Michigan GLCEs, we also narrowed the focus of Unit 3D, making it a concrete look at patterns of.

Unit 3A: Population/Development

Week 1: -----------------------------------------------
Introduce Population Unit (Quiz #1 on ~ Friday 12/06)
Chapter 2 Key Issue 1: (2.1-2.2) - Due: Friday 12/06/2019
Where are the people? and why there? (notes)
World Population At A Glance Worksheet
Week 2: -----------------------------------------------
A Look at the Population Explosion. Click HERE for video
World Population Data Sheet At A Glance Worksheet Due 12/12/2019
Chapter 2 Key Issue #2 Study Guide (2.3-2.4)~Due 12/13/2019
Week #3: ----------------------------------------------

Population Pyramids (Constructing 6 pyramids) ~Due: 1/9/2020

Chapter 2 Key Issue #2 Study Guide (2.5)Due: 12/18/2019
Population Pyramids a the local scale
Population Data Directions (local scale) ~data gathering and building pyramids with Microsoft Excel

Demographic Transition Model Lecture Video (pg 18 in notebook)
Demographic Transition Model - Notes & Video Assignment
Examine Population Pyramids for different countries: click here

World in the Balance Video (NOVA) ~video click here

H.W.Chapter 2: Key Issue #3 (2.6-2.8) ~Due:1/10/2020
Quiz #3: Population Pyramids + DTM (2.5) ~Date: 1/10/2020
Week #4: ---------------------------------------
Population Bomb! Simulation
The simulation will last all week. Introduced on Monday and final results and discussion on Friday.

Population Bomb! Reflection (google form) ~Due: 12/2020

Gapminder Student Guide

Week #6: Development(Chapter 9 of the Rubenstein textbook)
HW: Read 9.1-9.4 Key Issue #1: How does development vary among regions? ~Due:
HW: Read9.6-9.9 Key Issue #2: How can countries promote development?~Due:
China Revs Up (A study in the development of the worlds most populous country)

HW: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries~Due:
Week #7 Development-----------------------------------------
Day 1: Development (Chapter 9)
Developed vs. Developing Activities (country development sorting)
Characteristics of Development Notes-cut & past into notebook
HW: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries~Due:
Day 2: Development (Chapter 9)
Worktime: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries
Action Activity-Are we there yet? (evaluate your choices for developed & developing)
Day 3: Development (Chapter 9)
TED Talks on Development (Hans Rolsings New Insights on Poverty)
Day 4: Development (Chapter 9)

GapMinder: Global Casino Activity
Day 6: Development (Chapter 9) TALESH
This is a short simulation game dealing with the problems of global development to meet the basic needs of the earth's people. Its goal is to acquaint students with some of the strategies that can help poor nations become self-sufficient and economically viable.The game focuses on a fictitious nation called Talesh.The students will play the role of Taleshian development officials attempting to choose the development projects that will best help their struggling nation.
Day 6: Development (Chapter 9)
The situation in Talesh -development simulation (Day 2)

Introduce PICK-A-PING Project

Country Sign Up & Population Profile Details
2014 Population Data Sheet

PICK-A-PING HANDOUT- Overview of the project

The Unit title is 'Population and Migration,' but several migration topics are postponed until later – they will be easier to teach after looking at the economic and political conditions that often drive migration. To align better with the new Michigan GLCEs, we also narrowed the focus of Unit 3D, making it a concrete look at patterns of human settlement in one region (GLCE 6G43), rather than an abstract examination of urban problems and urbanization as a global issue – that larger topic relies on a lot of prior knowledge that students will not get until Units 4 through 6. Giving Part D a specific regional focus on South America also has the benefit of adding details about an important region to their developing mental map of the world. The draft chapters from the Big Idea Geography folder are primarily for teacher background, although individual pages might be useful as student readings (Readability is at Grade 6 to 6.5, according to a set of tests).

6th 3 Outline Unit 3

6th 3A 0utline How Did People Get There

  • 6th 3A Human Migration clickable map includes answer key for activity
  • BI1 World work map 8×14 clickable basic environments, population, cities
Unit 3: Populationgeography

  1. Human Geography Population
  2. Unit 3 Population Geography Definition
  3. Geography Population Vocabulary

Ap human Geography Unit 3: Population. Ap human geography vocab for unit 2. Age distribution. The frequency of different ages or age groups in a given population. It is used to predict future population growth. An example would be that there are more young people living in a ocean side area and showing where the different age. Chapter 2 Key Issue 3 of The Cultural Landscape by James M. Rubenstein as presented by Andrew Patterson. Unit 3 Ecosystems. Occurs when the amount of resources cannot meet people's' needs., The maximum amount of people a region, country, or planet can support., is the number of live births per thousand people in the population., is the number of deaths per thousand people in the population. The Unit title is 'Population and Migration,' but several migration topics are postponed until later – they will be easier to teach after looking at the economic and political conditions that often drive migration. To align better with the new Michigan GLCEs, we also narrowed the focus of Unit 3D, making it a concrete look at patterns of.

Unit 3A: Population/Development

Week 1: -----------------------------------------------
Introduce Population Unit (Quiz #1 on ~ Friday 12/06)
Chapter 2 Key Issue 1: (2.1-2.2) - Due: Friday 12/06/2019
Where are the people? and why there? (notes)
World Population At A Glance Worksheet
Week 2: -----------------------------------------------
A Look at the Population Explosion. Click HERE for video
World Population Data Sheet At A Glance Worksheet Due 12/12/2019
Chapter 2 Key Issue #2 Study Guide (2.3-2.4)~Due 12/13/2019
Week #3: ----------------------------------------------

Population Pyramids (Constructing 6 pyramids) ~Due: 1/9/2020

Chapter 2 Key Issue #2 Study Guide (2.5)Due: 12/18/2019
Population Pyramids a the local scale
Population Data Directions (local scale) ~data gathering and building pyramids with Microsoft Excel

Demographic Transition Model Lecture Video (pg 18 in notebook)
Demographic Transition Model - Notes & Video Assignment
Examine Population Pyramids for different countries: click here

World in the Balance Video (NOVA) ~video click here

H.W.Chapter 2: Key Issue #3 (2.6-2.8) ~Due:1/10/2020
Quiz #3: Population Pyramids + DTM (2.5) ~Date: 1/10/2020
Week #4: ---------------------------------------
Population Bomb! Simulation
The simulation will last all week. Introduced on Monday and final results and discussion on Friday.

Population Bomb! Reflection (google form) ~Due: 12/2020

Gapminder Student Guide

Week #6: Development(Chapter 9 of the Rubenstein textbook)
HW: Read 9.1-9.4 Key Issue #1: How does development vary among regions? ~Due:
HW: Read9.6-9.9 Key Issue #2: How can countries promote development?~Due:
China Revs Up (A study in the development of the worlds most populous country)

HW: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries~Due:
Week #7 Development-----------------------------------------
Day 1: Development (Chapter 9)
Developed vs. Developing Activities (country development sorting)
Characteristics of Development Notes-cut & past into notebook
HW: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries~Due:
Day 2: Development (Chapter 9)
Worktime: Chose 5 developed and 5 developing countries
Action Activity-Are we there yet? (evaluate your choices for developed & developing)
Day 3: Development (Chapter 9)
TED Talks on Development (Hans Rolsings New Insights on Poverty)
Day 4: Development (Chapter 9)

GapMinder: Global Casino Activity
Day 6: Development (Chapter 9) TALESH
This is a short simulation game dealing with the problems of global development to meet the basic needs of the earth's people. Its goal is to acquaint students with some of the strategies that can help poor nations become self-sufficient and economically viable.The game focuses on a fictitious nation called Talesh.The students will play the role of Taleshian development officials attempting to choose the development projects that will best help their struggling nation.
Day 6: Development (Chapter 9)
The situation in Talesh -development simulation (Day 2)

Introduce PICK-A-PING Project

Country Sign Up & Population Profile Details
2014 Population Data Sheet

PICK-A-PING HANDOUT- Overview of the project

The Unit title is 'Population and Migration,' but several migration topics are postponed until later – they will be easier to teach after looking at the economic and political conditions that often drive migration. To align better with the new Michigan GLCEs, we also narrowed the focus of Unit 3D, making it a concrete look at patterns of human settlement in one region (GLCE 6G43), rather than an abstract examination of urban problems and urbanization as a global issue – that larger topic relies on a lot of prior knowledge that students will not get until Units 4 through 6. Giving Part D a specific regional focus on South America also has the benefit of adding details about an important region to their developing mental map of the world. The draft chapters from the Big Idea Geography folder are primarily for teacher background, although individual pages might be useful as student readings (Readability is at Grade 6 to 6.5, according to a set of tests).

6th 3 Outline Unit 3

6th 3A 0utline How Did People Get There

  • 6th 3A Human Migration clickable map includes answer key for activity
  • BI1 World work map 8×14 clickable basic environments, population, cities
6th 3B 0utline Population Growth
  • 6th 3B Bar Graphs Children and Family Size
  • 6th 3B Map Correlation presentation explains procedure for above
  • 6th 3B Blank Big As Blank Set can (but does not have to) use this website:
  • 6th 3Bz Comparing China India and Africa data analysis activity
  • 6th 3Bz Presentation China India and Africa photos and answer sheet

Here are some direct links to useful population-related websites:

  • interactive timeline and animated map of world population growth
  • cartograms of world population in 1800, 1900, 2000, and predicted 2100
  • variety of population related cartograms
6th 3C 0utline Population Pyramids

Human Geography Population

  • 6th 3C Using CensusGov website handout and activity using this website:
  • 6th 3Cx China Population Pyramids presentation includes answer key for activity
  • 6th 3Cy China Demographic Transition for teacher background
  • BI8 China big idea presentation from the Big Idea folder

Unit 3 Population Geography Definition

6th 3D 0utline Human Settlement population geography in South America

Geography Population Vocabulary

  • 6th 3Dx Placenames in a Colonial Region making regions based on language clues
  • 6th 3Dx Placenames clickable activity map customize your own activity
  • 6th 3Dx Placenames teacher notes
    • 6th 3Dy Beach Temperatures activity about consequences of global winds
  • 6th 3Dz Making a Fast-Food Meal influence of elevation on farm production
  • BI4 S America big idea presentation from Big Idea folder

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